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Our Roving Reporters
Warrentown 1873
Thursday, September 25, 1873 WARRENTOWN
Where is Warrentown? Such is the name given to the new village (soon destined, we doubt not, to grow into a town) on the Kirkleatham Estate, near to the furnaces erected and being erected on this property. There is a singular appropriateness in the name given to this rising village. The “rabbit warren” is as old as any history of the Tees, and now on it and near to it is rapidly growing “Warrentown”. We had the curiosity to go and see this new town, and were surprised at the progress which has been made. The style of the cottages being erected by Messrs Robson, Maynard, and Co. on the main street called “Tod Point-road” (the old associations are kept up in the new order of things) is something quite out of the common run for workmen’s cottages. Built in blocks of seven cottages, each with a neat iron railing in front, and a small flower garden under the windows, the men of this enterprising firm may well exclaim, “truly our lines have fallen in pleasant places;” and there is little
doubt to have such cottages to live in will do much to elevate the tastes and habits of the men. Messrs Downey and Co. have also built cottages for their workmen of a very superior class; the elevation is neat, and the internal accommodation leaves nothing to be desired. Here we have “Downey-street” and “Coney-street.” Mr Thomas Brown, engineman, built the first houses, and is doing a good business in Warrentown’s first shop. There is a site set apart for a school; and a building of large dimensions, we understand, intended for a hotel, is assuming shape and form-whether this will be an advantage will depend upon how it is conducted, but we have little doubt care will be taken by those who have the power to make such arrangements as will secure this end. We were informed that already some 200 cottage sites are leased-for the whole of this property is leasehold from A.H.Turner Newcomen, of Kirkleatham Hall, at a ground rent of about £12 per square yard for a term of ninety-nine years.
To the south of ‘Tod Point-road” the ground is arranged so as to give each occupier a small garden where he can grow his own potatoes and keep his own pig. We were much pleased with our visit to Warrentown, and are now in a position to tell our readers where it is, and bold enough to predict that Warrentown will be a name in the future history of Cleveland as the “rabbit warren” has in the past.
Researched by Jim White
Photograph courtesy of Vera Robinson
via Dick Fawcett
May 1891
For the last month we have been giving a meal every other day to the school children, from 160 to 175 have attended each time and appear to enjoy the fare provided, good soup with meat in it, and bread. All those who have helped in this work are heartily thanked.
Mr Nixon has kindly supplied the meat at a reduced price. Contributions are acknowledged below.
How long the present deadlock is going to last seems as uncertain as ever, so the special demand on charity may by no means be over. When it is over, who is going to benefit by it?
Poor Relief Fund for month of May £10.4s.6d ended up to date 27 May £6.14s.0d.
An extract from the Warrenby Parish Magazine May 1891.
contributed by Dick Fawcett
25 September 1873
25 September 1873
The Cleveland Journal and South Durham Advertiser
Tuesday 25 September 1873.
Redcar and Coatham
Mr William Thompson of Whitby,has challenged the Redcar men to find a crew of four Staiths men to row them in cobbles for a £100 to £500 aside,the race to take place in the first or second week in December.
31 August 1891
31 August 1891
North Eastern Daily Gazette
31 August 1891
Two young men named James Drinkwater and Edward Taplin, both belonging to Warrenby, were walking on the sands at Coatham, near to Messrs. Walker, Maynard, and Co’s slag tip on Saturday, when they came across a shell which had been fired by the 1st North York Artillery Volunteers who were in camp at Redcar a week ago. When practising with their field pieces several shells were fired along the sands but did not explode. Diligent search was made, but all the shells could not be found. The one Drinkwater and Taplin came across on Saturday was carried up the bank and placed on a railway bogey with the intention of it being conveyed by them to Warrenby. Drinkwater and Taplin, it is alleged, emptied the powder out of the shell, and the former placed a match to it, saying in a jocular manner, “I will blow you up.” The train of powder which had been laid along the bogey to the shell at once ignited, and on reaching the shell a terrific explosion took place. The young men and a woman named
Oliver, who was sat on the bogey with a child, were blown violently to the ground. The woman and child escaped injury, but Drinkwater and Taplin were severely burnt. It is remarkable that the whole of the persons did not meet with a terrible death. Dr. McKinley attended the injured men, and they are now progressing favourably.
An Article from: Our Roving Reporter J.W.
May 1891
With a vast amount of sea-coal and driftwood, home fires were kept burning, and buying coal was unnecessary.
An extract from the Warrenby Parish Magazine May 1891
2 Feb 1918
Redcar and Warrenby United and the 3rd Welch Reg. meet on Saturday for the second Round of the North Riding Amateur Cup and both teams will have a strong side.
Redcar have secured the services of W Harrison[late of Redcar Northern league] as goalkeeper.
The match will take place at Coatham at 3 o'clock
Redcar have already accounted for the RNAS for this cup
2 Feb 1918
Royal Celebrations in Redcar
contributed by Wendy Hall |
South Bank Express 1918
South Bank Express 1918
A beautiful story of pathos,love and charity well screened, and abounding in social interest,was The Ragged Messenger,at the Redcar Palace,and together with the popular topical film,and the variety introduced by Reynolds and hading in descriptive songs,entitled The Flower Girl and Newspaper Boy,add to the popularity of the programme.
For the weekend,Rosy O 'Grady is finding much favour.
Next week the pictures will be Frou Frou,and Sally Bishop,and there will be a special variety turn.
Redcar Market
In order to assist the less well off,
Redcar opened a market- circa 1922
South Bank Express
Saturday, 7 September 1912
Gala Day at Redcar
‘Empire Day’ at Redcar was a feature inaugurated by the popular proprietors of the Empire Theatre, Redcar, on Saturday last, when over four hundred children were entertained to tea by the managers (Messrs Forster and Bell) in the spacious building, where a splendid repast was provided, each child receiving a bag of cakes. Some excellent sports were held in a field belonging to Mr. Sill, West Dyke, a large number of adults taking part. The Warrenby Band contributed to the pleasure by playing some bright selections during the afternoon.
The event was quite a success and thoroughly enjoyed by young and old alike, and much credit is due to the proprietors for their generosity, and also to the tradespeople of Redcar for the admirable help they extended to ensure the success of the gala.
Thanks are also due to those local gentlemen of the town whose services were invaluable towards making the day such a success.
Our Roving Reporter J.W.