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Cleveland Golf Club

Looking back over the marshes towards Coatham with the golf course just visible in the mid-distance...

I remember Jim Lloyd and Alan Clark who were groundsmen
would you like to share your memories ?

Both pictures by permission of Don Burluraux

...and here looking from the 2nd ladies tee towards the steelworks

The Club House

The old club house was situated on Queen street

The Golf Links


The Golf club in 1908

courtesy of Rex Warrior


Showing the back of the above picture, of the golf club in 1908

Doctor John Kinnear MacKay M.C.

Doctor John Kinnear Mackay M.C. played for Yorkshire county,and was champion of his home club( Cleveland Golf club) six times, He was its captain,and president,

Doctor Mackay was also made a member of the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews for his services to the sport.

All this followed a distinguished war record
where Captain Mackay won the military Cross for bravery.

I personally remember Dr. Mackay with great affection.my first memories of him were in the 1940s, when our family GP Dr. Fordyce brought him to my Grangetown home, to introduce him to my grandmother, as doctor MacKay would be taking over the practice . He remained my GP until the 1960S when I moved to Redcar.

Sheila Barker


Alan Clarke of Warrenby was grounsman at Cleveland Golf Club for many years
everyone fondly remembers Alan

photograph courtesy of Edna Verrill