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Wartime Documents & Memorabilia
 | A Lancaster Bomber
From Margaret Thompson nee Knight.
 | Michael and Nora Knight visiting an RAF memorial at Runnymede |
Certificate of marriage
 | Michael Knight married Nora Byrne from Halifax on the 30th of July 1915 by special licence in The Church of The Sacred Heart and St Bernard Halifax
Michael was a serving Soldier at this time.
Photos & information are shown on the topic
[Serving the Nation]
Marriage Certificate shown above from
Margaret Thompson
Telegram Priority
 | Mr andMrs M Knight
2 The Fleet Dormanstown.
Regret to inform you that your son 1549787Sgt
Knight,J is reported missing from operations on night of 17/8/44. Letter
follows. immediately any other information is received it will be
communicated to you .No imformation should be given to the press
Aeronautics Kelstern.dated 27/Aug 1944.
No 625 Squadron RAF
North. Louth. Links.
27August 1944.
625s/c.6006/p,1.Dear Mrs Knight Before you recieve this letter ,you will
have a telegram informing you that your son 1549787 Sergeant John Knight has
been reported missing as a result of Air Operations.It is with sincere
regret that I write to you conveying as I do to Johns family the feelings of
my entire Squadron.Onthe night of 26/27 August 1944 at approximately eight o
clock John and his crew took off from this aerodromet to carry out a bombing
attack against enemy territory,[the target was, in fact Kiel Canal they were
due to return in the early hours of the this morning.
Your son had displayed keeness and ability and had many friends.We lost one
of our happiest crews when this aircraft failed to return ,and one for which a great future had already been mapped out with this Squadron.
His presence is greatly missed in the Sergeants Mess, and his loss is regretted
bt all.
Your sons personal affects have been gathered together and will be retained
for a short period
in the hope that better news will be recieved .
It is likely that THE RED CROSS will inform you before I get to hear .
It is desired to explain that the request in the telegram notifying you of the casualty
of your son ,was included with the object of avoiding his chance of escape
being predjudiced by undue publicity in case he was still at large.This is a precaution in the case of all missing personal.
Yours Sincerely
B.BHaig Wing Commander ,Commanding No. 625 Squadron.
3rd Sept 1944
3rd Sept 1944
Sir ,Iam commanded by the AIR MINISTRY to expsress to you their great regret
on learning that your son ,Sergeant J Knight ,ROYAL AIR FORCE is as a result
of air operations on the night of 26/ 27th/ August 1944. when a Lancaster
air craft in which he was flying as wireless operator set out to bomb
KEILand was not heard from again. This does not necessarily mean that he has
been killed or wounded,and if he is a prisoner of war he should be able to
communicate with you in due course.
.Meanwhile enquiries are being made through the International Red Cross Committee and as soon as any definite news is recieved you will be informed
at once .
If any information regarding is recieved by you from any source you are
requested to be kind enough to communicate it to the AIR MINISTRY/
 | AIR MINISTRY[casualty branch]
SIR, Iam commanded by the AIR COUNCIL to state that in view of the lapse of time and the absence of any further news regarding your son 1549787 Sergeant John Knight ,since the date on which he was reported missing ,they must regretfully conclude that he has lost his life and his death has now been presumed,for official purposes,to have occurred on the night of 27th Aug
The Council desire me to express again their sympathy with you in the anxiety which you have suffered ,and in your bereavment Iam SIR
YOUR obedient Servant .
Charles Eraus.
2 The Fleet Dormanstown Redcar Yorks
12 Oct 1944
7Belgrave Square London SWI 12/10 44
Dear Mr and MrsKnight We have receved your enquiry in which you ask for news
of your son Sgt. J. Knight 154977787 We are sorry to tell you that so far
no information has been recieved about himbut all possible enquiries are
being made Any news coming from the INTERNATIONALRED CROSS at GENEVAor from
any other source will be passed to you immediately If however you are
registered next of kin your first notification will be from the AIR
MINITSTRYMay we say how much we sympathise with you in your anxiety Yours
Sincerely Margaret Chairman
2 Feb 1945
2nd FEBRUARY 1945
SIR I am directed to inform you with deep regret ,that all efferts to trace your son 1459787,Sergeant J.Knight have been unavailing.
In view of the absence of news for so long a period it is felt that you should be informed of this DEPARTMENTS grave anxiety for his safety but
action will not be taken until evidence of his death is recieved ,or until such time has elapsed that it is considered there can be no longer any
likelihood of his survival.
Such action will then be for official purposes only and will not be taken until this DEPARTMENT has communicated with you further .I assure you that all possible enquiries are continuing.
Iam SIR,
YOUR obedientServant .
F.Parkinson. director of personal services .
Personal Affects
 | PERSONAL EFFECTS OF NO 1549787Sgt John .Knight .
1Parcel Cont .
2 Hankerchiefs 2 portraits.
1Sheet of addresses 2 studs
1 Laurel safety razor 1 Shaving brush.
3 Darts in box . 1 S, Brevet
Cash amounting to 5/-and stamps to the value of 5d found amongst the
PERSONAL EFFECTS ,has been credited to his Service Account at the AIR MINISTRY.
Crew Members
 | Mr and Mrs Knight.
177256P/.O.G.Curless Pilot. Next Of Kin Father Mr. J,Curless 54 ,Sandbrook
Rd. Nr Orrell Nr Wigan Lancs.
182100 P/.O.F.James. Wife Mrs. E. M. James 5, Quantock
Avenue Bridgwater Som.
[Flt /Engineer]
1576265 Flt Sgt. WindleAE. Wife. Mrs W. M. Windle 61 Gilberstone
Ave. South Yardley Birmingham,26. Bomber Aimer.
1587763.Sgt. Connolly ,C.W. Father Mr J W Connolly 10 Coronation Rd Bridgwater Som.
1549787,Sgt.Knight. J. Mother
2 The Fleet Dormanstown Redcar
[W.O./Air Gunner.]
1819468 Sgt. Plant C.L, Father. Mr.J.T.Plant.42 Northcliffe Rd
Ashbourne. Derbyshire
Air Gunner
1825000Sgt, Smith T.R. Father Mr J. Smith 42 Annfield Road Dundee
___________________________________ |
Sgt John Knight
Service Medals of Sgt John Knight |  |
Cprl Nora Ann Knight
Service Medals of Cprl Nora Ann Knight |  |
The above important Documents and medals have been Kindly contributed by Mrs Margaret Thompson nee Knight |
Rank Driver Knight M.
Regiment R.A.
Soldiers Earnings
Balance due to soldier on the date of arrival at Dispersal Station.
28 days furlough at1/7 [net rate] £2 4s 4d
28 days ration allowance £2 12s 6d
Allowance for plain clothes 10s 4d .
Balance of bounty under army order
War Gratuity £9 10s - Stoppages and
due from soldier on arrival nil
equipment on dispersal nil
Deposited in Post
Office £9 10s,
Paid by demobilization draft £12 6s 8d .
insurance 6d.
£21 17s -
Army Form .
Woolwich.24th Sept.1920.
Dear Sir .
I am directed to transmit the accompanying British War Medals which have been awarded to you in respect of your services with the Royal Field
As number 44912 Drv M Knight.
I am to request that you will be so good as to acknowledge the receipt of the
decoration on the attached form, which is to be returned to the above address in the enclosed addressed envelope ,which needs no stamp.
I am.
Your obedient Servant J Mollisman.
_________________________________________________________________ |
1914 -18
 | Service Medals belonging to Michael Knight
Michael Knight can we seen on the topic Serving
the Nation
subtitled The Knight family Serving the Nation
The above important Documents and medals have been Kindly contributed by Mrs Margaret Thompson nee Knight