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Messages from Home & Away
George Ayton
October 2002
Dear Sheila,
I've just seen the website and it is good news for me. I often visited Redcar in the 1950's and 60's to visit relatives there, but although I saw the rows of terraced houses at Warrenby from the train, I didn't know that I had any family connections with the place. I remember the station 'Warrenby Halt', which was a simple wooden platform with a brick shelter.
The platform still exists at Newtondale Halt on the North Yorkshire Moors Railway.
Best wishes
Wendy Hall from Australia
October 2002
Hi Sheila,
Lovely to hear from you and to see the photos I sent you on your site. I have past your web site address onto several others from Warrenby/Coatham so hopefully you will receive a lot more photos and info.
Bit of information from Australia, Pam Lenard (mentioned on the Warrenby school photos on your site) lives in South Australia, she emigrated in 1972 I think.
My husband, two small daughters and I, emigrated to New South Wales near Sydney in 1970.
I am enclosing four more photos that may be of interest, I am very much into genealogy having traced all the Ward/Hall family back, and my own side of the family.
Interesting to note Albert Marshall Ward's family came from Norfolk. You will be interested to know that Albert Marshall was born at 48, James Terrace on 9th February 1894.
also a bit more information I noticed Annie Malone on a couple of the pictures, Annie emigrated to Australia with her daughter and family, they lived in Dapto, New South Wales, Annie died a while ago but the family still live locally here.
December 2002
Can't place Doug Kyle, but my goodness I can remember Yvonne Beattie, I went to C of E school with her for about a year also in that team was Cynthia Langford, Michael & Barry Henry and their younger brother Robin Johnson , they lived in Arthur Street {I moved to Arthur Street from Coatham Road}, the Streets ran in order from Lobster Road, they were named after Arthur Henry Turner all ran off Queen Street down to the sea front. I believe Arthur Henry Turner could also have been the chap associated with the naming of the school. Yvonne Beattie lived on Queen Street just opposite Turner Street, her Mum ran a boarding house. I remember that little street very well right behind Sotherans yes I believe it was called Cleveland Terrace the opposite end coming out on Cleveland Street, The name John Goundry sounds very familiar but can't put a face to it.
Wendy Hall (Australia)
Peter Gezard certainly brought back a lot of memories for me, Yes Peter the Gables was the house next to Coatham Church, Kings lived there right up to 1960's, they then moved to a place on the street. near the clock nearly opposite old Trinity Church can't remember the name of that street could be Bank Street. I was married in that church in 1965 and our eldest two daughters christened there in 1967 and 1969 before we moved to Australia.
I worked at Kings cafe (and all their other outlets) opposite the bandstand school holidays 1959 then weekends when at tech. Kings also had a small kiosk at the Skating rink, one on the corner of the boating lake where they built the bowling alley and another the opposite side of the boating lake, plus a small kiosk at the top of the steps at the entrance to the boating lake from the prom. Better not forget the cafe on the stray too. Kings was a thriving concern then!!!
Like you Peter we used to keep push bikes in our back garden at 232a Coatham Road, Hellurup was the official name of that house. We used to look for business at the roundabout too and gave everyone a raffle ticket to identify their bikes when they returned for them. My father had an allotment on Coatham Road and another one of our money making ventures was selling bunches of flowers that he had grown in his gardens on the allotments. We used to go through all the local streets on that area selling the flowers, extra pocket money went first for holidays the rest to be spent at Nash's. Wasn't that a wonderful shop so crammed with mysterious goodies inside and out. Does anyone remember playing on the Majouba Hill, we thought it was such a large hill until we became adults and then in shrank dramatically.
Wendy Hall (Australia)
February 2003
Vic Hall.jnr keeps getting a mention in letters as people remember him, so here's the info, in a nutshell, on where he disappeared to.
He married Wendy Fiddler (me) in 1965, then in 1970 applied for work with a company in New South Wales, Australia. He got the job and on 8th April, 1970, he set sail with his young family on the S.S.Oriana bound for Sydney. His young family consisting of his wife, Wendy, daughter Nicola Lesley, born 8th June, 1967 in Saltburn, Yorkshire, daughter Andrea Christine, born 31st July, 1969 Saltburn also. We settled here and have been here ever since. Vic Hall snr came out and spent three months with us here in 1977, he was followed out in 1978 by elder son Ian and his wife. Ian and Glenda and their two sons have visited us many times over the years and we have returned to England about eight or nine times. We have a third daughter Lisa Marie born in Australia in 1973. All three daughters are married and each have three children, in all we have seven grandsons and two granddaughters, eldest 12 years old, youngest 10 months old. Our eldest daughter and family live in Queensland, the other two in New South Wales. That's it!
Wendy Hall
June 2003
Read Wendy's story
in [My very special memories] |
Ian Hall
October 2002
Hello Sheila,
What a great site for people who used to live in the village.
I lived in Warrenby from 1948 until 1963 [18 Teal Street] and have a few photographs of people from Warrenby.which I will contribute to the site
Did you marry one of the Barker's from Teal Street
Hope to hear from you.
Ian Hall.
Yes Ian I married Coln Barker of 7 Teal street
in 1955.
(A follow up to Ians letter in which he contributed some really nice photos )
Another couple of photographs for your excellent site.
The soldier is my Grandfather, Private 1964 Albert Marshall WARD, Yorkshire Regiment [Green Howards] taken in 1915.
He went to France on 18 April 1915, served in the trenches on the Western Front and was wounded in April 1916. He was discharged due to his injuries on 16 August 1917. He worked at Dorman Long Steelworks as a crane driver until his retirement. He was Secretary of the Dormans Warrenby Athlectis Club, Warrenby for many years.
The other photograph is of 'four generations', me as a baby with my mother, Gertrude Hall [nee Ward] my Grandmother Sarah Jane WARD [nee Phillipson] and my Great Grandmother Christina Phillipson [nee Hudson]. It was taken outside my grandmothers house in , Warrenby.
Ian Hall
Hello Sheila
I have not forgotten about the 'Eldorado' site, I am searching for photos.Ian
31 May 2003
Hi Sheila,
When I visited Redcar last Wednesday I noticed that Christ Church, Coatham, has a clock on three sides??
Did you notice that the last photos I sent you did not have the clock on two of the sides?
Regards Ian.
Phil Wilson from Australia
Hi Colin and Sheila - Carole's son Adam said that Mike Ferris' wife nearly divorced him over the Warrenby site, she wanted to go shopping and he said I just want to have a quick look at this site.
She waited half an hour or so and took off alone,
She came back hours later and he was still at it.
He reckons it is my fault for giving him the site. I now humbly pass on the blame to you !
love to all Phil
4 March 2003
Hello Sheila, I just want to say that you have brought so much happiness to all us ex Pats ,you have no idea how much joy it brings to us all when all the old names appear on the site, and rekindle old memories .You read some of the letters on the site and think ---Want? yes I remember that name and Albert Ward and so and so and so and so. It really starts you drifting back to those wonderful days.
I'm surprised no one so far has mentioned
Sheila Shinner or Blanche Whyman ,Beatie Gale, Malcolm Dale, Jonty Lawton,and a fellow we as kids only knew as Little man who used to always go
between Warrenby and Coatham riding his bike on one pedal as he was too small to reach the pedals over the cross bar.
These names only spring to mind after reading the updates on your site, and we spend the rest of the
night in Warrenby or Dormo or where ever
I have exchanged some lovely emails with
Sylvia over the last few weeks Sheila, going over old names of classmates and school days, thank you for putting us in touch! It has also helped me with my typing too. I'm nearly up to ten word's an hour now ha ha.
The Boro are costing me plenty of sleep, they are on TV live sometimes, but the kick off times here are always 2am or 3am, depending on daylight saving.
The midweek games are ok though as they are on at six or seven am our time. thanks again Sheila.
Heres to Warrenby ! Phil
6 Dec 2003
If only the Boro had a Frnkie Snowden or Calla Laing to fill the onion bag. cheers Phil
Colin agrees Phil and adds Neil Calvey.
Doug Kyle
I Remember George
I was thinking over the weekend of Coatham and one of the characteres that came to mind was George. He lived on Coatham Road at c. 124 with his sister ? who had a dog called Lassie.
George was a dwarf and spent most of his time on his allottments which were on the site of the new C of E school opposite Church House.
He was probably only about 4' 6" in height
When those allotments were required for the school Geoge relocated to the front garden of the old school house on the corner of Coatham Road and Church Street - in fact precisely the area on which the photo from 1950 was taken. George used to wander up and down the road with a small barrow - probably home made. When he was not on the allottments he was in the bar of the Lobster from recollection
memories of Doug Kyle
Yes I remember Little George as he was affectionataly known, he always looked very serious but could be quite humorous and was very popular - Sheila
Remembering Coatham
If I remember correctly the now empty Gables was the Vicarage. It must have been around 1950 / 52 that the vicarage transferred to Blenheim Terrace. The pathway at the back of the Gables was retained as a right of way for the Vicar to get to the church swiftly.
The Vicar I first remember was called Crosgrove. He moved in about 1953 and the Wordsworth family arrived. They bought a new car shrotly after arrival and it seemd to go on for ever must have contiued for 20 years. Was it a black Standared Vanguard ? In addition to the vicar and his wife there were three sons Alan, Paul and David. On retiring many years later the parents went to live in the accomodation at Kirkleatham. So far as I recollect the Vicar used to pop in to the school once a week or so. I can not remember if he took a lesson or half lesson with the "top class"
Thanks for that contribution Doug these memories are so important and may evoke similar thoughts in others,and hopefully we may be able to share in them
Re Likely lads
I'm surprised that there are no Ransomes on that photo -
Brian and Henry would have normally formed part of that group.One noteworthy name was John Thomas - he was a regular bass player / guitarist in local groups. In fact I have a feeling that he along with Drummer Keith Murray and a girl whose name I cannot recall were a three piece group that made a few records before becoming a five piece named the Overlanders and they of course had a big hit with the Beatles song Michelle ?
Stewart ( Bugs) Robertson was a huge athletic talent and was capable of beating "Archie "Mooore of Dunsdale on a good day. Archie was second in the english schools senior race in 1963 and went on shortly afterwards to represent the full Great Britain side in International cross county races in the years that followed.
I've a feeling that John lived in his formative years in that funny little street down behind Southerans printers. What was it called Cleveland Terrace ?
You got to it by turning down the back alley beside Southerans on Queen Street and it looked out on ot the backs of the shops on Station Road. The rears backed onto Turner Street back street.
He was at Coatham C of E when I was there but perhaps a year or two older
John Goundry is another former Coatham C of E attendee. I 've a feeling that he lived on Newcommon Terrace where his mother ran a boarding house,cousin of Yvonne Beattie ?? who was a year or two younger also attended Coatham Cof E
Both then went onto Coatham County Modern
cheers Doug Doug’s Rmblings
Hi sheila
when I first saw the picture of Margaret Bell (faces from the past) I assumed that it was Harry Bell's daughter. they lived in the original Dormanstown, right up by the ICI fence near the Fleet.0r - maybe the girl I knew was Dorothy Bell.
I'm guessing the date as it must have been in the late 1940s or very early 1950s that I went to her party up in Dormanstown.
I do not know what the connection was but I would be fairly sure that it was Welfords
Bakery or perhaps more likely Toc H.which got me thinking about kids parties which I I used to go to every year, - Christina Bumby's party in Priory grove. She always had her cousins form Warrenby, GillianMinor and sister Beryl ??. Gillian always pronounced her name with the hard "G" and not the soft and more usual "J". They lived on Downey Street and it was one of the middle houses 5 / 7 from recollection. I think that Downey Street was the last street overlooking the gated railway crossing known as fisherman's crossing and was single sided. I've a feeling that Gillian, Christina and I are all the same age or school year.
I do not know if my ramblings are of any value – let’s hope so Doug.
Very valuable Doug and very special. Thank you Sheila
Peter Gezard
Hello, I was interested to see a reference to the inhabitant of 124 Coatham High Street
'Seaham House'? and the legend of its ghostly white lady :)
I used to live there 1943 to about 1951. Nash had the shop on the corner of Majuba road.
We moved in before the old house was split in two ( a previous split had seperated the house where some of the Barker family lived)
The Corries, Catchpoles, and Bunny Reid and his mother had those fishermas cottages that lay between the big house and the terrace on the right hand side as you go down Coatham high street toward the school.
Well I just thought I'd mention it
Peter Jezard
Hello again, I saw a reference to the Gables
if that's the house next to Coatham church on the corner of the road that goes to Whitehouse School where I spent a kindergarten term, then it was owned in the late 40s by the King family they, had Kings Cafe facing tittybottle park (now public conveniences) opp the bandstand.
I do know the vicar used to split his time between Coatham and Kirkleatham for a while.
I had a paper round and had to cycle up to Kirkleatham twice a day, the round took in the 4 farms and the camp at the back of Ramshaws. My mother, who remembers the Thurwells very well, was born on the top farm at next to Ramshaws at Kirkleatham. Memory is not quite so good on this point, but I seem to think that the vicar's name was Smith, though it could have been Cosgrove, that used fall in alongside me occasionally on the ride up to kirkleatham
I seem to recall that rev Wordsworth had also been the vicar at Dormanstown???
I was a choirboy there for a while, once the sermon got a bit too tedious, his son and I were ticked off for racing spiders along the pews
Oh yes, sorry I misread the reference about 124 Coatham Road, I lived at 124 High Street Coatham, there is a very slim volume called "The White Lady of Seaham House" that tells a ghostly tale of that house. The house comes complete with long dark corridors, and a cellar from which long bricked up secret (smuggling) passages emanate.
When we used to have motorcycle racing on the beach, I would rent the backyard of 124 from granny. I made big placards offering to store bikes and motorbikes for the day, for a small but significant fee. Then I would stand and display the placards at Coatham roundabout and recruit the local kids to show the punters along the back alley to where they could leave their bikes.
The photo of sunshine corner brings back a memory. Redcar used to boast a summer period show that gave 3 or 4 variety performances a day in a purpose built wooden theatre on the sands near to the Palace cinema, The show would always have a talent competition for children in the audience.
Anyway I used to enter and win show after show, until eventually the cast employed me, suitably padded up and wearing a baggy loud check suit, as the dwarf assistant to the conjurer.
The following year the show had ceased. I saw another group of what I thought were street entertainers setting up on the beach. Being very young and naive, but nevertheless having enjoyed the experience of being a professional entertainer, I saw them as a second rate street show.
For a few days I used to hang around, helping them to set up, and pack up their equipment while waiting for them to get their act together and start a proper street theatre, where I could have an opportunity to repeat the performance of the previous year. I should have had a clue when they kept wittering on about Jesus and God.
I think it was at the end of the second day, after seeing the collection bag being regularly filled, that I broached the delicate subject of remuneration for my fetching and carrying. I was told in no uncertain terms that it was all being done in the glory. It was Sunshine Corner. Well I was only 9 or 10 and just didn't understand that some people perform for free.
A little further along the beach was the Punch & Judy. This was run by a couple who used to stay at Barkers camp Warrenby. Just occasionally I would chat and help them pack things away.
Anyway, I am still an entertainer and still have a band. I was doing a regatta gig at Brandy Hole Yacht Club on the Crouch a couple of years ago, when a Punch & Judy man set up.
I naturally got talking to him, and it turned out that he learned his trade from those two at the Warrenby camp. Its a small world.
The house opposite Nash's shop diagonally opposite Barkers Farm House at the top of Majuba road.
Was once a pub was it not?? It had some of its windows bricked up to avoid window tax. Was it also in the Barker family??
Personal note. I built a 50' catamaran in the old scout shed Clay Lane, kept it at the Gare, sailed it to Ireland, then after refurbishing a 1911 yacht sailed down to Essex where I now live on a houseboat just off Mersea-Island. When I'm not lecturing in Information Technology, I have an excellent jazz band available for parties,weddings, and funerals.
BTW The reason for browsing your excellent site in the first place, was that I am looking for information about Coatham Common. My grandfather told me that it was given by charter to the good people of Coatham, I certainly remember the opposition, and positive action when the golf club fenced it off.
That same fence was often cut to keep the fisherman's trods open.
I also hear that they have built a new club house. If its true that it really is a common by charter I sincerely hope that the residents of Coatham are charging the golf club an exorbitant rent for the use of a public amenity :(
As you are interested in local history, have a look at a set of maps of the area published some 15 years
ago, they trace the taming of the Tees from the time when Coatham was a port, and the hamlet of Dabholme existed somewhere near what is now Lackenby Works. They also show the Trunk road as a training wall for the river The set should be in the local library.
Roy Roper from New Zealand
Thank you for allowing my cousin and I to share your memories. We were both from Dormanstown but I have moved further afield (Christchurch New Zealand) and my cousin (who is over here for a holiday) now lives in Marske.
Whilst I only knew a few people Vic Hall name but just one. My cousin on the other hand knew quite a few people. It helped having him here to explain who people were and what they used to do and get up to in Warrenby in the 40s-50s-&60s.
He is off back to England on 8 January 2003 via Sydney Australia after watching England Test Matches (Cricket) before he leaves.
His Name is Alf Postgate and worked at Warrenby works in the plate mills for 40 years. My name is Roy Roper and I workrd on the bank at the Plate mills for a while before ending up in the Rolling Stock Repair Department prior to leaving England with my wife Carole in 1969 for New Zealand where we have been ever since.
Thanks again for the hours of entertainment we both got out of the web site.
Cheers Roy Roper |
Mike Ferris from Australia
Hi Sheila, I’m the Mike Ferris that Phil Wilson wrote you about. I don’t know if I qualify to be a party to your magic web site as I’m from neither Warrenby nor Coatham, but I’m not from too far away. I lived just over Fleming’s Bridge on what was known as Kirkleatham Estate. When the urban sprawl started it was then known as the rivers estate, I lived in Tweed Road, and all the Catholic kids went to The Sacred Heart, along with the Warrenby and Dormanstown kids.
I was born in 1941 so I must have started school in 1946, and I can remember the “baby” school down the alley behind the church. You could get to it from both Lobster Road and I think the other one was Pierson Street. From memory the three teachers were Miss Campbell for the first class, Miss Durkin (Kitty) who lived in Derwent Road, for the middle class, and Miss McCarthy for the third class. I’m sure Miss McCarthy was a very nice lady but she frightened the life out of me and I don’t think I was the only one. It was only a small school and there was no hall so at lunchtime we were all marched along Newcomen Terrace to the catholic club on the corner of (can’t remember the street name) opposite the Coatham Hotel. It wasn’t too bad in spring and autumn but it was damn cold in the winter. It was better when we went to the “big” school because it had it’s own canteen. Most of the people who went to the Sacred Heart probably remember my mother better than they would me as she was a dinner lady there for more years than I can remember.
Having spent quite a long time studying your wonderful site names have been coming back to me and in my mind I can see a few faces that I cant put a name to. It’s funny, I cant remember names and events from the very recent past but names and things from 40 and 50 years ago seem easy.
Some of the names I remember that I think were Warrenby people in the same class as me, or a year or two either way, are Billy Barker, Brian Flemming, (who I think served his time in the cobblers shop through the alley at the back of the Lobster yard, and who I last saw in January 1984 in his own shop in Lord Street, just before I came to Australia), Margaret McBride, Mary McCormack and a nice lad called Philip Calvey who I’m led to believe didn’t enjoy the best of times.
The 1949 Sacred Heart school photo is interesting and it would be great to have someone to put some names to those young faces. I think the teacher is Miss Sheila Thompson and I have a few thoughts on some of the names but I wouldn’t bet on it.
Other people that were in the same year were Derek Skelton, who had a younger brother John, and Carmel Learman who had an older brother Peter, and they were from Dormanstown. The Hudson brothers, Tommy and Harry were older, and there were the Carrol brothers, Chris and Jimmy from right up the top end of Dormanstown. I can’t think of any other Dormanstown names but the Kirkleatham/ Rivers estate boys were Donald Mullarkey, Charlie’s son and Alan Kelly, Wilf the builder’s son. Bunny Hunt and his brother who lived on Thames Road opposite the shops and from Tweed road were the Brown boys, Michael, Peter, John, Gerald and Billy. I also have vague recollections of a boy called Tony Hind who may have lived in Thames road.
We had two sets of twins in our class, Catherine and Geoffery Lloyd who lived on Corporation Road just down from Welfords Bakery and the Gibbon Brothers, Bernard and John, who nobody could tell apart. Amongst the ladies were Pauline Wilson, Kipper Wilson’s younger sister, Marie Logan, I think her big brother was Barry, Patricia Pierson, Carol Ellerton, Glynis O’Callaghan, Maureen Pybus, Norah Byrne (who I think had the reddest hair) and George Duffield’s sister, who’s face I can see in my mind but I can’t think of her Christian name. I’m sure more will come to me in time.
Among the boys yet to be mentioned were John Wallace, Terry Power and Adrian Toomey who all came from Redcar East, Hugh Mallon, Keith (Beefy) Derry and Brian Petrie, who were from the middle of town, George Paccito who left and went to St Peters in York, and Michael Blair who was from Upleatham. I think his dad farmed Corngrave Farm at the top of Apple Orchard Bank just near what was called the smallest church in England.
Sheila, I hope I haven’t rambled on too much and strayed too far from Warrenby with all this, but hopefully someone who went to the Sacred Heart around these times might have their memories jogged and come up with a few more names and perhaps some more photos. Thank you for taking the time to set up and run this wonderful site and keep up the good work.
Every best wish for the coming year to you and your family, and the same good wishes to all your readers.
Mike Ferris
Hi again Sheila, thank you for your email. My mum worked at the school canteen from about 1946 part time, filling in for people for a while and then she was permanent and was still there through to the early sixties. Mum's name was Hilda Ferris nee Horncastle and she worked with Peggy Calvey at the school. You may not know her from her early days as she was a South Bank lass. I'm rather embarrased to say that I know little or nothing about my ancestors, but as I am getting older I am trying to do something about it, both for my own interest and for the benefit of my three kids. Trouble is it's a bit hard from the other side of the world. I didn't know either of my grandfathers but I remember both grandmas. I have seen the Slaggy Island Site so perhaps I should try to get some info through them.Every time I get on to the net now I always go to your site to check for any updates. Keep up the good work Sheila and are you any relation to Billy Barker.
Thanks and Regards,Mike.
PS Phil Wilson and I and any other "Poms" down here can finally hold our heads up, thanks mainly to a young Yorkshire lad ( Michael Vaughan)
Hello Mike
Good to hear from you again and Yes Billy is my brother in law,I will have to get him on the site to say hello.
Best Redards Sheila
you were not so far away Mike just over Coatham Bridge isn't this your stop! Sheila
|  |
Len Moscrop from Germany
I really like theWarrenby site and I thought the village was dead!
I find the school articles quite interesting as I attended in the 60s (warm milk and rainy days!).
Hi Sheila,
That is the link - Mum mentions the Barkers quite a bit and will be thrilled to have made contact. I think one of Colin's brothers lived near my Gran in Marske when I was a child.
My Mum's name is Joan nee Bage she married Len Moscrop from New Marske (my Dad) in 1956.
I went to Warrenby school in the 60s (one of some 17 schools I attended) and lived at the time with my Gran on Tod Point Road, near the bus stop at the bottom end.Vague memories of it all,
However I do keep in touch, sort of! with the family.
I finally left the area in 1974 and now live in Germany where I have lived on and off for some 27 years.
I married a teacher from Tealby in Lincolnshire in 1985,we have some property in the area and hope to settle there in the end.
I have worked in various fields, but I am an engineer by profession,
having worked as an assistant school bursar, a Clerk of Works, I was the Deputy Rail Executive(Europe) and will probably take up the post of Estates Manager for Service schools world wide shortly.
Maureen, my wife, works in a local service primary school.
We have no children so this could be the end of the family line at this end!
Karen, my sister, lives in Sleaford and is married to Ged (Pole) from Manchester. She works with dogs, after spending years working in retail, and absolutely loves it.
The site is really good and heres hoping it goes from strength to strength.
I have told Mabel Jowsey from New Zealand (I think), who like me has been trying to find info on Warrenby school for a few years and who's family were from Warrenby.
I will try and get Mum to scratch through some photos and things and scan them off to you.
Do take care
Kindest regards Len
Graham Holmes
My gran and granddad lived in Warrenby George and Gladys Elizabeth Holmes at 10 Coney St.
There is a picture of my Uncle Len before he went to Korea. Len is the middle son who now lives down south, My Dad George is the eldest my Uncle Bill is the youngest, he still lives in Dormanstown, he lived for awhile on Tod Point Road. We used to stay in the summer and go to the gala. I remember competing in the running, egg and spoon and sack races.
Kind regards Graham Holmes
ps My Dad would like to know does the gun "Big Bertha" get a mention? |
Pat Dunn
Hello I was introduced to your site by Ann Allan
My grandma lived at 140 Coatham road her name was Martha Smith, She died in 1972 aged 99 years .
I have some old photos from the 1920s.
.My mother was Mary( Mollie) her married name was Spence. She went to Saltburn High School.
Her brother Harry attended Sir William Turners.
Harry was an engineer and lived in Calabar Nigeria until the Biafran war.
I saw Peter Jezard on the site I think the Hickley family is the same one that I knew as Aunty Kitty. I have photos and lots of memories if he wishes ,to contact me . I am also related to the Wake and Cowans families
who had a lot to do with Coatham Church.
Does any one remember Winskills on the prom?
Goodluck. Pat Dunn
22 Feb 03
Dear Shiela thanks for your e mails, it has been so lovely to read the stories.
I've not seen any news of Peter yet. His grandmas house was a childs dream.
The Vicars of Coatham were Rev Cosgrove and Rev Wordsworth.
Iwas one of the first Redcross cadets.We used to help out at Steads.The lady in charge of the Redcross lived on Coatham road next to the Postoffice.
I also used to go to the Youth club at the house next to the church. I think they only had one record which was sanddance. I have the old photos, some of the Church lads brigade of the 20s.On them are 2 brothers called Hall. Ron Hall ended up on the council.
Regards Pat Dunn nee Spence
Yes Pat Ron Hall became Mayor of Redcar I would like to include a picture of him in our history
he was a very nice man. |
Margaret Jordan
Dear Sheila,
I was fascinated to see the Warrenby website, as my mother was brought up there and I often visited as a child.
My mothers parents were Albert and Minnie Want, and they lived at 39 Brands Terrace.
Alan Kelly
Hello Sheila, it was good to veiw the old pictures and stories of people I
knew in Warrenby, old man troup and his wife,and young Bill, I used to go up to Marsh farm quite regular, there are other family names I do remember, but one in particular is Phil Wilson he used to work for my old man, Wilf.
I think he called his self a sort of bricklayer???
any how I just wondered if you have his email address in oz,or give him mine just to have a chat, it would be very nice to be in contact with him again,
Regards Alan kelly.
Chris Watt
Hi Sheila
I lived at 13 coney st from 1955 till about 1969, then moved on to Tod point rd only for a year or so then moved around the corner into Teal st till 1973 when the family went to Canada.
My parents were Tom Watt and Nancy nee (Bell) sisters Denise,Janice,Heather,and Paula who lives in Florida, Brothers David and Melvin.
I remember with fondness so much Mentioned on the site like the Gala days etc I am sure my eldest sister Denise will have old photos of warrenby she lives in Canada I will pass details of the site on to her .
I also remember Aggie Bage sat out on Tod point road shouting at us whenever we got close to the road.
Are you related to David,John and Josie Barker
Regards Chris Watts.
Hello Chris, nice to hear from you and yes we are the same Barker family. Sheila
Polly Farrell from U.S.A.
H.A.P.P.Y. N.E.W. Y.E.A.R......
David Mead
Hello Your site is superb, my mother and myself have enjoyed browsing through the numerous photographs. It brought back a lot of memories seeing photographs of my Grandparents and Great Grandparents.
My mother is Gwen Mead (nee LLoyd) and my father was Colin Mead, his mother was Mini Want.
My mother lived in Tod Point Rd, with my grandparents Olwen and Edward LLoyd, they were bombed during a night time raid in May 1941, when my mother was 8 months old, the house was destroyed but fortunately they were taking shelter in the understairs cupboard and were uninjured. Their neighbour was killed during the raid. The family were rehoused in Dormanstown after 3 years of living with relatives.
My mother has a lot of vivid memories of Warrenby and its characters as well as a lot old photographs,
Regards David Mead
7 July 2003
I was most interested to read the message from David Mead, of the night in 1941 when his grandparents Ted and Olwyn Lloyds home in Warrenby was bombed, during an air raid, and his mother Gwen was only a baby.
I was 7 years old at that time, and remember my aunt Olwyn banging on the door of our house in Wild Duck street, with my cousin baby Gwen in her arms, both covered in plaster and dust .
Baby Gwen was in deep shock , my mother and grandmother laid her in warm water, and wrapped her in a blanket.
I was recovering from Pneumonia at that time in a little bed in the living room, and baby Gwen was put in beside me for warmth.
My aunt and uncle with the baby, stayed with us for a couple of days, then moved in with another relative who had more room.
Freda Anderson nee Lloyd
Charles Brown from Australia
Hi Sheila thanks for a wonderful web site,
I lived at 4 Rocket terrace in Coatham that was in 1929- 31, after that we went to Station Rd., Redcar,until I got married, in 1947, then my first home was in New Marske it had no running water or flush toilet it was a dump.
The rent was only 5 shillings and nine pence a week so we were lucky.After a year we got water put on, but only cold, and also a flush toilet.I then bought the house for £300 and I did it up nice.So much for that! But it was hard to start married life like that, as we had our first child soon after, but it was better than going on the army camps and getting just half a Hut as most of my mates did, or live with their parents, you will know by now that I am getting on, 77 years young ,
My grandads name was Henry Guy, a very old Redcar name he looked after the old life boat house on the prom till he died in 1937 he was related to Will Guy who was washed out of the old Zetland in 1836, there is a plaque in the boathouse about him.
My youngest brother John H Brown was the longest serving secretary of the Redcar Working Mens Club,John was also born at 4 Rocket terrace he died in 1994.My brother Arnie will be 74 in August.
Well Sheila a bit of news about me I’ve lived in Aussie 43 years, but still a Pom,
keep up the good work. Charlie.
Best Regards to all. -
- As we say in Aussie Have A Good Day
10 June 03
Hello Sheila , I wrote to Joe Close by way of M Close I know the family, and I got a lovely reply to my email Joe and his mates< Dicthy -
Towssy -Harry Vicker - Trevor Colvin > all liked to have a talk with me and my mates < Harry Taylor from Warrenby - Godfrey Wrigley Redcar > then they would go round the town , I have wrote to you to ask if Vic Hall was the son of Vic Hall a gordie he worked at Dorman-Long Warrenby the last time I was talking to him was in 1991 he was doorman at the Redcar British Legion - the other Hall i knew from Warrenby was Jean Hall she lived there around 1936-39 the last time i saw her she lived in lord st Redcar I think! by the way Sheila there is a nice photo of the Rocket Brigade of Coatham in Marina ave taken about the time we lived in Rocket Ter on it Mr Johnson he was the coast guard lived in York Ter on the left my Grandad with his sailor hat on , keep up the good work on your web site will keep looking from time to time to see more ,
Charlie Brown from Redcar town
11 June 03
Hello Yes it would be Dad who you mention, but the date is wrong as Dad (Vic Hall) died in 1986, he would have been a doorman at the Redcar British legion in 1981 not 1991. He worked at Dorman's, Warrenby, he wasn't a Geordie, he was born in Croxdale, Co.Durham. Lastly yes he was the father of Vic Hall (junior) My other half.
Regards Wendy Hall
1 September 2003
just love going back to your site Sheila I was married in Coatham church, and here are a few names from my school days at coatham C. E - Marjorie Nicholson-Terry Whiting-Audrey King -Mary Smith- Winifred Holton-Joyce Cousins-Joan Hickley-Joyce Hart-(Boys)Dennis Jackson-Bobby Wright-Ralph Barker-Les Hansell-Don Crawford-Alf Winn- Lanny Glarvey-Tom Maltby- Leslie Baird- Maurice Bull- they would be my age if still living, 77 years young. I hope some of them read this.
I have seen more & more on your web site each time I look at it ,
You have done a great job Sheila , one thing I would love to see which is not on any site I have looked at about Redcar, is what we as kids did on the sands before the war between the band stand & first slipway , I myself did popeye Gordon Ramsdale made a wonderful Castle which he lit up at night with candles other kids did dawrings also a Horse, - a Crocodile was moulded out of sand (and the trippers as we call them ) threw money down to us , this went on from June - September, and with the lights & other things Redcar was a town to be proud of then!
Charlie Brown
(an old Redcar lad in Australia)
Thanks Charlie these messages are the very essence of this site - Sheila.
Carol nee Miles
Hello Sheila,I lived in Warrenby Barracks from (approx)1947 - 1956, and went to Warrenby School. I have just discovered this site - it has really taken me back to my childhood I was absolutely amazed at the amount of information on your website!.I am looking to see if I have any photos, and will scan them and send them to you,. I recognised the unknown lady (in a Gala photo ). She is Connie Urquart, the wife of a Sergeant, based at Warrenby Barracks. They had six children I think.
I have very happy memories of Warrenby, and was devastated, when only a few years ago, we returned, to find it almost completely gone!
My memories are gradually coming back after looking at the site.
The Gala days were always great fun,. And I remember we used to go on some lovely school trips to York, Fountains Abbey, Helmsley Castle, etc.
Also I used to love the Harvest Festival at school, when we sold all the produce on stalls. I remember being in the school choir, and how proud we all were to take part in the music festival.
Regards, Carol Stevens |
Wendy nee Miles
Hello Sheila
Like my sister Carol I cannot believe how brilliant this site is! We have always been very nostalgic about Warrenby as this is where we grew up, it was so unspoilt, so natural. I always tell my children about it. We (Carol & I) are so excited to find this web site as it gives us chance to explore our past.
I know my father enjoyed his time at the Barracks
also South Gare, he took great pride in his work there. He also used to enjoy a few drinks at the club in Warrenby if I remember rightly!
Have you heard anything about the Dorringtons-they were in the other quarter while we were there, Lofty (as he was nicknamed) used to keep pigs on one of the allotments. One of the pictures on the Dorman long Athletics club shows
a Lofty, not sure if its him, probably is.After they left Jock and Connie Urquart moved in and they had lots of baby daughters, about 4 or 5 and they always had cardigans knitted by a Scottish grandmother every year, all the same and you can imagine how pretty they looked.Have you ever heard anything of them?
I have quite a few photos, of the Gala and various of school days,
Wendy Roberts
As a follow up to this message Wendy made an excellent contribution to the site,by sharing photographs and her memories of the years yhe family spent living in Warrenby Barracks.
August 2003
Hi Sheila
Thank you for sending the photos back so promptly. They look wonderful on the site - they look part of it and thank you for the pleasure you give everybody in setting it all up.
Wendy Roberts
Wendy's memories can be read on [Serving the Nation]
Norman Smith
hi sheila,
norman smith here. regarding the sweet shop on coatham rd (wendy hall, my special memories) it brought back memories of getting off the warrenby bus at the lobster going to sacred heart school, and the lady always had the penny tray laid out. 4 blackjacks, sherbert flying saucers, penny arrow bars etc. |
Jim Mantle Shannon, Illinois, USA
August 2003
Hi Sheila, My family all lived in Billingham for as long as I can remember and long before ,but before the war (ww2) we would come to Warrenby for at least one week even if we went to Whitby or Scarborough for the second week.
Yes I do have a lot of memories of Barker's field especially going into the village for grandad's morning paper. I have a photo of my grandparents and my uncle Alf Todd. I will e-mail it to you.
I live in Shannon, Illinois, USA now. I've been in the states since 1979. I went first to southern California and moved to Shannon in 1996. I was elected Mayor in 2001 for a 4 year term.
Please keep adding to the photo gallery you are doing a great job. Thank you.
Regards Jim.
18 August 2003
Good morning Sheila, Attached is the photo of my grandma and grandad Todd on the steps of uncle Frank's caravan in Barkers Field. I believe the caravan was called "West View" which was also the name of my uncle Frank's house on Newport Rd. in Middlesbrough. Although grandad is on holiday you will notice the collar and tie! He wouldn't go anywhere without a collar and tie. Of course a lot of the older men were like that in those days. If ever I get back to Teesside I will certainly visit what is left of the area. Jim.
Margaret Hierons from South Africa
Margaret Hierons nee Thornhill
just found your web site Sheila.most enjoyable, and lovely to see photo's of my aunts,uncles and cousins even my Gran Thornhill.
My dad was Jack (buck) Thornhill,I can remember the Warrenby gala's, and the christmas parties from the club.
I lived in Staintondale ave Dormanstown and used to walk to Warrenby with my dad on a Sunday mornings to visit gran, and his sisters.The photo of aunt Bertha on the bike is great.
I now live in South Africa, and have done since 1981.
keep up the good work,and say hi to all my cousins.
Glennis (Alexander) Adams Ontario Canada
Hello: I lived in Warrenby for three years with my twin sister Cynthia (Cynth) we went to Coatham Secondary Modern school.
Sorry no photo's just great memories, we lived on Todpoint Road next door to the Smiths, and right across the road from the Barracks.
I remember jumping the blockades, getting dressed up in fancy dress at one of the Gala's, I even remember the fancy dress, Cynth & I were famous Tennis players, Little Mo & Georgeous Gussie.
The King & Queen of Po Land won that year, all decked out in Po's.
I live in Hamilton, Ontario Canada & have done for 29 years. I will be home for the reunion on October 15th, looking forward to it and seeing everyone, it will be 4 years exactly,since my last visit and it's been too long.
Tony Morris
have just come back from 5 months at sea, and as an ex-Warrenby lad wanted to look again at your excellent site but found that my automatic link no longer worked!?
Thanks Sheila for such quick action, all now working well, nice to see all the new photo's of my time in Warrenby, even my sister Eilish has got her mug in with the lamberts.
I now live in South Shields but will try my best to go to the reunion.
All the best
Derrick Ditchburn from Canada
25 Oct 2003
Hi, what a great site. I lived in Warrenby in the thirties and broke my leg when I was two leaving the fish shop to say goodbye to my dad as he went to work at Dorman and Long along the road there. Played soccer for Redcar Park Rangers, Redcar Crusaders, the Boys Club and Redcar Albion. Also played soccer and cricket for Redcar Schoolboys. Served my time at Bolton's Airborne works just before going over the bridge that you showed on your site, next to the old caravan camp ground. Will spend more time looking at your site. I've been in Canada now since 1970. My brothers and sisters (two of each) all live in Redcar. Derrick Ditchburn
26 Oct 03
Hi Sheila. Just had another look at your site and found pictures of my brother Edward (Miff ) Ditchburn and my Aunt and Uncle Bertha and George both deceased now. Would like to forward a couple of Pictures if you require any more, One would be a school photo at Warrenby when I was three or four, My sister came home for me and took me back to school for the photo. Miff is not on it as he was in the Navy going in at 14 as a boy entry. My other broth and sister are on it however. Great interesting site.
Derrick Ditchburn.
28 Oct 2003
Here is the school photo that I mentioned in my e-mail. Left to right Hilda Ditchburn, Jean, Derrick (me) and George. Taken 1937-38 at Warrenby School. As I mentioned, Jean came home for me to be on the photo.
I married Sheila Jones from Tyne Road, Redcar in 1955 at Dormanstown Parish Church on South Avenue. We are still together and enjoy everyday. The wedding photo is attached if you want to use it. I knew Billy Troupe quite well as we arranged many football games between Broadway East where I lived from 1938 to 1955 and his team from Warrenby. The Ditchburns on your site are all my relatives from Granddad to uncles Aunts and brother. Really enjoy the site, and will look for more photos. Derrick Ditchburn.
Margaret Thompson nee Knight
October 2003
Hello Sheila
I would like to share some little memories with you
I attended the infants school Sacred Heart, but not the senior until after the war, because it was used as an army hospital. I also remember standing in a queue on the sea front at Redcar with my brother waiting to get my bag of sugar changed for some rock from the Rock Shop.
When the senior school reopened the old convalescent home was full of soldiers waiting to go home. They were Americans mostly and their windows overlooked our playground they used to throw chewing gum and a few sweets our way and
Of course there was always Victory V Lozenges and liquorice sticks
Margaret Thompson nee Knight
Marian Broadley (nee Scott)
I am organising a school reunion for class 52/53 on May 22nd 2004, 6.30 p.m. at the Clarendon Hotel. I enclose a photo and class list . I have so far traced 23 out of 43 of the old class, and hope through your site to find one or two more.)
Marian Broadley (nee Scott)
address: 27 The Birches, Bramhope, Leeds. LS16 9DP,
Telephone 0113 2612262,
e mail address,
Photograph: class of 1945 can be seen on [School days]
Fred Mason
My great grandparents on my maternal grandfathers side were named Taylor and I
remember visiting GGmother when I was a child in late 40s early 50s and she had a black hob and old artiery shell cases polished up and used as
containers for the hearth irons, but at least one of them looked whole.
She lived in one of the roads up near the rail crossing end. I believe her
maiden name was Stapleton though I have no idea where she originated from.
She had 2 sons, Joe and Charlie both of whom ended up in Dormanstown. Is there any record of them that you know of ?
Regards Fred Mason
Alan Lawson
A photo under the Highdays & Holidays heading subtitled 'Away Where ? and featuring amongst others Tommy Close and Dave Lawson was taken at Seaton Carew in 1953, the day before the Queens Coronation,
apparently my step-father says England also win the Ashes the day after as well! So Hillary climbed Mt. Everest,Queens Coronation and England win the Ashes, England where top of the world!
Alan Lawson
John Law from Australia.
6 April 2004
Hi Sheila I am writing to you from Christies Beach, Just a few kilometers south of Adelaide, South Australia.
The essence of my story is in 1950 I lived for the entire summer on Barkers Camp then moved to 7 the Esplanade Redcar. That is right next to Kings cafe. I went to both Westdyke and Coatham schools. So nearly everything on your site was my in living space in 1950.
The postcards all show Redcar in summer, but I used to make an ice slide on the flagstones, hold my coat to catch the wind, and skate along the esplanade.
Yeah, something else. If you lost a sixpence in the sand around the swings and roundabouts, I probably got it. In winter we dug where all the rides had been in summer
Cheers ! John Law
14 4 04
Hi Sheila
I wonder if anyone has a picture of the inside of the Church of England Coatham road.
I confess that in 1950, while everyone else had their eyes closed in prayer, I spent much time looking up at the rafters.
Cheers John.
Ged Fleming
9 May 2004
Hi Sheila,
I can see by your website a great deal of work has gone into making this a fantastic site for people to rekindle bygone memories of a village that was thriving and vibrant, alas no more, except for Marsh House which is a link to the early days. What is it used for today ?.I was very interested in your section on the Sacred Heart Parish and School.
Many parishioners may be interested in my website relating to St Alban's RC Church in Yew Tree Ave, Redcar.
I am a site builder of another site which may be of interested it was started to encourage widows and widowers to meet in a social atmosphere after losing a loved one.
Unfortunately the Redcar Group who meet in Redcar Cricket Club every Thursday is full at the moment with thirty six on the waiting list so we decided to start a new club that caters for people who live in the Eston and Normanby areas and this has proved successful but we could do with more members in this group.
Hello Ged
Marsh Farm is still occupied by The Troup family, you can meet the younger generation on the topic Warrenby 2003.
Access Geds sites via my topic
[Links for Coatham to Warrenby] |
Norma Wilson from Australia
15 May 2004
Dear Sheila and Colin
Phil has just shown me your website and I think it is terrific.
You have done a great job....I think the reunion looked to be a great night, wish I could have been there.
It was lovely to see some of the Warrenby families again. Congratulations on your Award for the best site you certainly deserved it. Love to you both.
Norma and Carole XX UP THE BORO
Richard Foot
William Leeming was my great great grandfather. He was born 1813 in Hartlepool. He married Ann Prest, who I think was from the Kirkleatham area. They had a son, Wiilam Robinson Leeming in 1845. He was born at Coatham, where his family lived. His father is described on his birth certificate as a schoolmaster. I wonder if you have any records of this family in your archives.
Any information would be very welcome
Many thanks
NB your website is really excellent.
Kathleen Minnery
14 July 04
Hello Sheila
My ancestors had lived in Warrenby since the late 1800s My grandfather came from County Sligo find work in the Warrenby works.Sadly he lost his life in the terrible explosion leaving my grandmother and four children.
My uncle Jim McCarthy lived in Coney street.
We lived in Teal street. they were happy days especially Christmas day when I remember going down to the Warrenby club for our presents,
also the summer outing to Middleton One row,when the children were entertained doing sports events and we would be given a bag of cakes and sandwiches,and the ladies would go off to Darlington market.They were happy days!
Kath Minnery nee McCarthy
Gillian Wallis nee Minall
We returned back to the UK in December 2003 from South Africa and living in Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire. It is with the deepest regret that I am writing to let you know that George passed away peacefully in his sleep at home on Thursday morning, 22nd July 2004. He is deeply missed by his loving wife Gillian, sons John, Gerald and Jeffrey and daughter Jillian as well as his 7 grandchildren. There will be a memorial service for him in Redcar and I will inform you via this site when dates, place and times are confirmed. |
David English from France
First and foremost I would like to say that you have an excellent website which brought back many memories of the area.
My Father was Herbert Walter English, he was married to Grace. They had four children Terry, Barry, David and Diane.
As a child I remember distinctly visiting a part of our family? that lived in the Warrenby area then things become "patchy" I would greatly appreciate any information or photos dating from the early fifties to the sixties concerning our family.
My father was killed on the Trunk Road coming back from work at ICI. He was a bit of a mystery so any information about him would be warmly welcomed be it good or bad.
Thanks in advance and keep up the great work.
Dave English France.
A follow up to Davids letter
Hello Sheila,
Thanks for answering so quickly :) I found a photo of my "Auntie Patricia" with her twins Susan and Stephen from 1954 winning the "Bonny Baby Contest"
My Father was Herbert Walter English "Wally" to all who knew him. My Mum is Grace Maureen English who still lives in Redcar, originally from Backworth County Durham and who I will be visiting next week after a three year absence.
My Father was killed on the Trunk Road when I was eleven years old that would be around 1964 if I'm right. My mum told me about Hannah English who is my "Uncle Bill's Mum"
I've been trying to find things out about our family for years without having much success .
We used to live on the Lakes Estate before my dad
bought No 66 Coatham Road that was before the York Hotel was built, which we also saw burning down, an extremely tragic event !
As I said in my first message things are a bit "patchy" now, but I have absolutely no wish to be young again.
That being said I did have a huge wave of nostalgia washing over me as I read through the site :) Dave
David Webb in Essex
I am researching my great great grandparents William Sotheran and Mary Ann Sotheran, William was a blacksmith in the area in the late Victorian period. They had several children Flora, Arnold, Edith, William and Francis. They were all born in Coatham, Flora married there in 1909 an Albert Longstaff, that is how I identified the occupation.
From any records you have do you have any information on either. The family or Sotheran as a local blacksmith.
If you wish to discuss or I can assist further I can be contacted on 07836 252716.
If any of my final research is of assistance to your local records then you are quite welcome to use it.
Steve Taylor
I am researching my family history and came across your excellent site when looking for references for Warrenby. My Grandfather, George Dove was born at 5 Wild Duck Street on 10th February 1915 to George Dove (Died c1942) and Margaret Hannah Dove (formerly Barnett).
George junior's daughter, also Margaret Hannah (born Redcar 9th September 1939), is my mother and she worked in the Coatham Hotel in the late 50s. My father is an ex Middlesbrough FC player, Carl Taylor (1959-61 seasons).
I would be interested if you have ever heard of the Doves during your research. I know for certain that my Mother has a picture of here Grandmother and there may be some of Warrenby in her collection. If you are interested, I will try and dig these out of my parents loft when I next visit them.
Best Regards
Steve Taylor
Gerry Brennan
Hello Sheila,
I was amazed to find your website. I found a photograph of my grandfather, Fred Deacon, who was charge hand at the gas board, and lived at 36 Thrush Road, where I was born.
On the photo he was adjudicating at the gas works sports on the racecourse in 1960.
Fred was married to Laura Wright, who was the youngest of 12 children, who were (all born at 7 Widgeon Street Warrenby, of John Matthew and Mary Wright, who moved to Warrenby before 1878.
John Matthew was a train driver at the works, and became traffic manager; he and his wife died in 1919. Their children were Sarah, Rachel, Libby, Will, Maria, Frank, Fred, Mary, Molly, Floss, Joe and Laura, who were all brought up in Warrenby
I always felt of Warrenby as a friendly place, where people had
Pride in their community and homes.
The people of Warrenby had a tremendous spirit!
Best wishes Gerry Brennan
Acknowledgement : George Wright’s grandson Joe was England physiotherapist when we won the World Cup in 1966!
George Smith
19 March 2006
Thank you for this excellent website. Although I have never lived in Warrenby I still have good memories of it because my step-dad, Danny Skelton, was from there. My wife's dad, Frank Dove, was also from there too.
I remember Gala days especially as I used to rely on them to get some money to save towards buying Christmas presents for the family.
I have not seen much on the site about the Skelton family. My Great uncle Andy was well known for his ability with a golf club and my Dad was no slacker either. Can anyone tell me anything about the family please? I know that Dad's siblings were, Annie, Joe, Mary and Theresa.
My father in law Frank was another good golfer, Steve Taylor: my wife, Pat (Frank and Mary's daughter) sends her regards.
Jack Aiston in Australia
Hi Sheila Thanks for your email, and for sending my email address on to Doug.I worked in the Fab Shop for over 20 years before going to Australia in 1963.Thats a lot of times on my bike over the railway bridge.
I made a lot of friends in Warrenby, but I can't remember their names, but do remember going to a small dance in a tiny hall near to the railway
crossing, and also going to the yearly fair near to the railway bridge on a Saturday night after we had a bit too much to drink.
I also remember a very nice couple going to the dance at the Swan Hotel, they lived near to the pub at the bottom of the railway bridge.
I am sorry for going on, but before I close I must say you run a very good site!
Thanks for the site, and thanks for forwarding my email.
All the very best, Jack Aiston