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Warrenby Village

Photograph courtesy of Roy Barker Roy Barker

Tod Point road was the main road through the village with streets running off it on the right hand side towards the Saltburn to Darlington railway line.
Streets in Warrenby were named after Marsh birds.

Marsh birds

>They were.
Coney ,
and Downey street,

Decoy street

Philip Wilson cycling in Decoy street about 1952

Tod Point road

These two larger houses stood in between in between
Teal street and Coney street.

James terrace

Mrs Troup outside of her home in the 1930s

Lovely to see what James Terrace was like as I said before my great grandparents lived there and my grandfather was born there. When I started researching my family history I didn't ever expect to see the places that my family lived, not even places I knew, such as Vickers Street but thanks to the Warrenby and Grangetown sites I am able to get insights into the past that I wouldn't have dreamed ve dreamed
George Ayton

V E Day celebrations
Freda Lloyd with Mick Gibbon as the paper boy
and Barry Oliver.


A Hundred Years of Warrenby History
by Mary Williams
Way back in 1873. when iron works had sprung up like so many mushrooms all along the South bank of the Tees.
Two iron manufacturers decided to set up blast furnaces near Redcar Messrs. Downey and cornpazif and Messrs.Walker Maynard.
Their work force need­ed somewhere to live.
In those days, when working hours were long and the only way to get to work was on foot,
the nearer you lived to your place of employment, the better for all concerned.
But there wasn’t much accomodation near the new works, only a row of ancient cottages known as ‘West Coatham’ and a temporary settlement at Tod Point, where the new breakwater was under construction.
There was, however, a stretch of land between
Tod Point Road and the sea coast,
part of Mr Turner Newcomen’s Kirklcatham estate. The only inhabitants of that were rabbits — living in hundreds of warrens. Therefore, Messrs Downey and Co. and Messrs Walker Maynard obtained a lease of the land, evicted the rabbits and built rows of neat lit­tle cottages.
Thus Downey Street came into being, likewise Coney Street, the one named after the works, the other after the rab­bits.
This new village was, at first, known as‘Warrentown’ but was soon rechristened War­renby so that it was more in keeping with Lackenby. and Lazenby. which got their names from an­cient Danish settlements in that area.
Warrenby grew rapidly.
More streets were added, named after the wild fowl that inhabited the marshy land — Plover. Snipe, Widgeon.
By 1881 the village had a population of over 700.Warrenby Hotel was in business, with a Geordie landlord — An- tony Love. William Waugh came from Wilton and opened a but­chers shop, though I am told that Warrenby scarcely needed a butcher with rabbits and wild fowl being so
plentiful. They did need Robert Warm’s groceries, though. A school was built in 1883.
Mr Frederick Fenton be­ing appointed head­master and Miss Mary Dixon to look after the infant department, Both taught at Warrenby un­til well into the 20th Century.
St Andrew’s MissionChurch was built in 1833
A Weeleyan chapel opened shortly afterwards.
Warrenby was now a self-contained unit, independent of Coatham for most of its needs.

There were good times and bad in those very early days. Warrenby suffered badly front the outbreaks of enteric fever that broke out In the 1890s
Like Coatham. Its water supply came from the heavily polluted Tees. On Friday 14th June 1895, not long after the night shift bad taken over at the works, villagers heard an ominous rumbling, saw a huge cloud of smoke.
There had been a massive boiler explosion.
It is said that every adult in Warrenby raced to the works to help in resucing casualties.
Eleven men were killed or fatally injured but the death toll might well have been higher, had it not been for the help that was so readily on hand.
The village community spirit conitinued into the 20th Century.
Mr Tom Rush who spent his boyhood in Warrenby, tells of the village ‘characters’ He remembers little Jimmy Reed who kept a sweet shop everyone went to Jimmy when they’d a problem. The advice he gave them was always sound. When a group of lads came running for him after a lighted match had set a bundle of papers ablaze, Jimmy calmly told them ‘Put water on It’, Redcar Fire Brigade weren’t needed that time.
Jack Oliver the Blacksmith stood over six foot tall, was more than a match for anyone unwise enough to tangle with him. Yet when one of his pigeons lost its leg in a trap Jack’s huge hands contrived a tiny wooden leg for the little creature. After that Jack was always know as ‘Peggie’ to the village.
It is sad that such a village would have had so short a life.
Warrenby hadn’t reached its 100th birthday before the North Riding of Yorkshire Planning Of­ficer was shaking his head over the condition of its houses saying that perhaps residents would prefer to be rehoused in Redcar where there were more amenities.
Many residents didn’t agree they were happy in their own village. An attempt was made to redevelop the area but it was abandoned in the 1970’s. Little is left now, except memories of a happy community treasured by those still living in East Cleveland. It is for them, by special request, that this history has been written.

We are indebted to Mary for this lovely story which will touch a lot of hearts.

back alley 1950s

Included in this lovely photo from Freda Anderson
are from left to right
Linora Gertrude Lloyd, Gertie Lloyd (nee Ward), Mary Ward, & Freda Lloyd.

I must ask Freda what caught their attention.


V.E. day in Wild Duck street.

the entertanment went on all day.
left to right

Back row.Margaret Wheeler, Freda Lloyd and Martha Wheeler

Cathy Sloan & Jim Lloyd,

Brian Burdett,Kathy Knaggs,Walter Rowe.

Barry Oliver.Michael Gibbon,Philip Wilson,
front row, Kathy Gibbon and Mary Wheeler

James terrace

On the right is Ethel Giles good friend and neighbour of Morris & Alice Barker of James terrace.in front of Ethel is Bertha Barker with other members of the Barker & Giles families

Wild Duck street

This Photo and information sent by Kath Cowell nee Gibbon Shows Mick Gibbon and Annie Leith at the Wild Duck Street V.E. Day party
Mick was pretending to be Archie Andrews and Annie the pupperteer.

Warrenby from the bridge

I have this picture already on my welcome page,
just recently Tricia Bradley contributed this copy
showing a little boy on the right, on a boagey. The boy is named on the back of the photo as Harry Bilton.

Lightening struck Warrenby

This house on Tod Point road was struck by lightening it was the home of Mr Jim Murphy

Teal street 1953

I remember taking this photograph of Brian Barker with his young brother David and old Rex. outside their home,
7 Teal street Warrenby

Widgeon street

included in this picture are Beatrice Johnson
and possibly Margery Close

four generations on Tod Point rd

At the back is Sarah Jane Ward born 8.1.1894 wife of Albert Marshall Ward. Front - Christina Phillipson born 1873, (Sarah Jane's mother),Gertrude Hall, born 11.6.1914 ( daughter of Sarah and Albert Ward) wife of Victor E.Hall, holding their first child Ian, born 16.2.1941


Back alley of 39 Brands Terrace.

Jessie Laughton nee Want, Margaret Laughton, Jean Want nee Wyman and new baby cousin Alistair Long. )

left to right
Rex Warrior, with his daughter Rita,amd Al Green.pictured in Warrenby school playground
courtesy of Rex Warrior

Plover street 1969

The Troup family the last people OF Warrenby

Outside their home 10 Plover St.
Left to right. Anne, Tina the dog, Elizabeth, and May Troup. Maragaret and Helen standing in the doorway
Photograph and information
Courtesy of Bill & Margaret Troup

Hugh Bell cottages

Built ?

May 1937

Warrenby Celebrating a Royal occasion
The Coronation of George the 6th, which took place at Westminster Abbey in May 1937
Miss Creswick is standing in her shop doorway
picture courtesy of Alan Ditchburn

Doris.Ditchburn,on the left with Eva Ditchburn nee Overton


Here are the "3 amigo's" from 1948 taken in Coney St next to the railway that's the sleepers in the background a sort of 'fence'

they are left to right

Len Holmes Bill Holmes & Colin Barker with his dog Rex
photograph & information courtesy of Graham Holmes

Warrenby ladies

Adrienne Stonier recognises her grandmother in this photograph, Granny Mabel Walton is the lady sitting second left ,and wearing a headscarf.

Teal street

Teresa O Conner outside her home in Teal street
with young neighbours David & Linda Lambert
photo & information from Pat English


pictured in Plover street back ally 1935/36
Margaret Gibbon,with Sheila Graham sitting on the chair, and Joyce Gibbon standing at the right.


Audrey Lambert,Teresa O'Conner,David Lambert,Kath holding Paul, & Linda Lambert g Paul, & Linda Lambert